pictures - hurray!
every day is busy here, so apologies for the random posting. we had a despedida (going away party) for a volunteer on sunday afternoon, and by the time i got up and ready, went grocery shopping and baked cookies with Dana, we had to go and didn't get back until late...
so my first day of work was yesterday, and it was good, but busy. i didn't get to drive just yet, but you will all know as soon as it happens. i'm sure. i did visit a home where i'll be teaching girls about computers, and for the first day, we just walked around and got to talk to the girls. of course, they were playing volleyball, and i jumped in the game with flip flops on. not so smart... entonces, broken toe.
i'm still on the hunt for an apartment, looked at one last night and am looking at another tomorrow night. the travel times are crazy long, so i'll leave tomorrow by 7:30 and not get home until close to 10. at least they feed me well at the baby house... more on that later.
so here is the december 2007 class: quique, shara, logan, josh, dana and me. good lookin' crowd... :)
hope you're all doing well!
1 comment:
All I have to say is: LUCKY!!!!!!
I love your stories, and am glad I can, at minimum, live vicariously through you!! ~kelly queen
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