Fortunately, we have a big TV in our office, so we watched during lunch and I am not lying when I say that I literally jumped out of my chair when we scored the second goal. Here are some highlights: Footytube (just click on it). I don't know what language it is, but all you need to know is that US's goalie had a phenomenal game and the foul at the end was a ridiculous call.
I leave for Nicaragua in exactly one week and I cannot wait - to see Beth, to meet Nicaragua, to speak Spanish and to relax. The plan is to head to Laguna de Apoyo and stay for a couple of nights at Crater's Edge and it looks amazing. Hopefully we don't get rained out.
Two last things: FutureMe - a website that allows you to write emails to yourself in the future, provided that you keep the same email address. I think I might do it. And the verse I've been looking at all week on our new kitchen message board:
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