Monday, November 19, 2007


Less than two weeks. I don’t think I ever really thought I would do this, but yeah, I’m on my way. Working with kids in Santiago, Chile for a few months (at least) and adjusting to life in another continent, country, culture. Learning Spanish as fast as I can, and trying as hard as possible not to give in to the temptation to lapse back into English whenever possible. Hopefully traveling with other volunteers or friends, and experiencing life to the nth degree.

What will I do when I get back? I have no idea. Definitely have options, definitely have responsibilities in Grand Rapids, but nothing locked into place. I can’t predict how I will have changed by the time I get back, so in the words of my wise mother, I’m taking things one day at a time. Lord knows I understand that patience is a virtue… and besides, right now I’m still working on a packing list.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kath- We are so incredibly happy for you...I just read through your postings and still cannot believe that you are in Chile. Hang in there with the are probably learning more than you realize each day that you are there.

Ryan, Steph and Davis